1.3 12/05/02 A major release featuring much simplified internals, the introduction of a command line application, lots more documentation, some important bug fixes, a properly working RegexMatchProcessor and unit tests for the core. * Added some unit tests and fixed bugs. * Added command line application "Batch". * Bug fixes to close streams after use. * Fixed javadoc to not throw warnings with javadoc v1.3. * Removed "sequence" code completely: elements are implicitly ordered so no need for this. * Removed "elementChars" code completely: could be implemented in a custom Processor if needed. * Refactor of internals of Processor: public API similar but custom subclasses will need rework for this version. * Fixed up RegexMatchProcessor to work properly. * Fixed next Processor handling so it works! 1.2 8/05/02 * Addition of GUI tool to interactively edit configurations. * Fixed StreamDriver to use the given stream instead of System.out. * Added documentation for web site. * Made Processor only output element characters when has no children -- better default behaviour. * Don't write "sequence" attribute on repeat Processors unless explicitly configured. * Running the distribution jar runs the GUI config tool. 1.1 27/04/02 First release distributed on Sourceforge. 1.0 26/04/02 Initial release not distributed.